By Jeff Bryant | Originally Published at Education Opportunity Network. January 28, 2014 at 7:00 pm
Everyone loves “choice,” right?
In a country where in a single year there are more than 100 new choices for what to use to brush your teeth, it stands to reason that maximizing “choice” might be a goal for all kinds of enterprises.
With that in mind, this week brought us “National School Choice Week” with its recurring theme that “parents should be empowered to choose the best educational environments for their children.”
In their reporting of a School Choice Week kickoff event in Houston, libertarians at Reason noted that Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) headed up the speakers. “The liberal Jackson Lee and the conservative Cruz may not have much in common,” Reason noted, but both seemed intent on pressing the case for school choice.
A blogger for the Houston Chronicle also highlighted the coming together of political right and left, crowing, “Who said Republicans and Democrats can’t come together?”
For sure, Republicans and free market enthusiasts of all kinds are going to continue to press for anything under the umbrella of “school choice.” But civil rights advocates – whether Democratic or not – need to ask, if school choice is about “empowering parents,” who is doing the “empowering” and what they are doing it for?
Same Old Wine
For years, free-market enthusiasts have sold school choice as a remedy for poverty, low education 

2-2-14 EmpathyEducates!
empathyeducates: Fight Over Effective Teachers Shifts to CourtroomSome of the students who are suing the State of California over tenure for teachers walked to a news conference this week outside Superior Court in Los Angeles. Monica Almeida/The New York Times By Jennifer Medina | Originally Published at The New York Times. January 31, 2014 […]by empathy / 5h 2-1-14 EmpathyEducates!1-25-14 empathy